Comunidad Anrabi

This home is located within the Community of Anrabi-Talchigacho. An indigenous community of farmers and craftsmen. Living here makes you members of the local community with both privileges and responsibilities. The privileges include a very alert neighborhood. You will be included on a Whatsapp group where community events such as festivals, meetings and community cleanup days will be posted. In addition if anything looks "out of place" the community will gather - no matter the hour - and investigate. This keeps crime to a very minimum here. Responsibilities merely involve being present at yearly meetings - a good time to raise any issues you may have - and "Mingas" or community cleanup days, usually one two or three days a year. If you cannot attend a minga you must pay a "multa" or fine of $15 to compensate those who did attend and help. Another benefit is water service. The community has its own water treatment plant and very reliable water service that only costs $18/year for unlimited usage. Since this home is at the bottom of the hill so-to-speak, the water pressure is very high and consistent.

People and culture

If you are even considering living in Cotacachi, then you are probably already aware of atleast some aspects of the culture. But as a refresher, the community of Anrabi is very involved in all of the traditions of the Sierra with Inti Raymi being by far the biggest event of the year, lasting through the month of June. Bright clothing, music, dancing and alot of drinking take place during this time. Parades, races, religious processions and school performances are common here. Most taking place in the center of town at the Parque Central. Fortunately for those who may not like loud noises, this home is within walking distance of the town center, but not close enough to hear too much of the noise. Occasionally there are festivals or soccer championships at the Turuku Soccer Field a few blocks away, but these are few and far between and only on weekends. In all this is a community with a rich heritage in Incan tradition and a very strong sense of community.